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The Outstanding Ones

Toddler Program

Ages 18 Months - 3.5 Years

Our fun and educational toddler programs provides the opportunity for safe, supervised exploration in our busy themed rooms. This design provides high-quality learning environments to help children grow as individuals and prepare for Kindergarten.  Each room is designed for the subjects that are taught.


A 1:5 ratio (one teacher to five toddlers) is provided during programming time. As in all our rooms, age-appropriate toys, equipment and art supplies are in abundance to encourage busy little minds to succeed when they enter Kindergarten for full kindergarten readiness.


Toddlers experiment with tools and learn to manipulate objects. They learn to solve simple problems they encounter in their environment. Children learn best when they can play, explore the world and interact with adults and peers. Play is the platform for inquiry and exploration. We provide a balance of opportunities for the child to figure out how the world works and how to overcome challenges, with the support to allow children to practice and develop skills that promote children's growing autonomy and cooperation.


We continue to encourage families' involvement in their children's early learning and development. We strive to foster a sense of belonging and acceptance where every child experiences a feeling of being valued by others. In doing so, we are continuing to develop relationships with families that enable children to enjoy and benefit from early learning opportunities. Children with special needs are accepted and we are equipped with ramps and a elevator as well as located on the main floor for accessibility for any students who use a wheelchair.


How Does Divine Care Academy Provide High Quality Care?


Our program is full of soft carpets, quiet areas, comforting family photos, colorful toys, and exciting learning materials. Effective teachers design classrooms that are organized and familiar which encourage children's learning.


Play spaces are organized by interest areas. For example, there are areas with materials for quiet play and more active play. Toddlers can play alone or in small groups. Children have many opportunities for active play. The play equipment is safe and challenging for toddlers. We have 3 options for physical play ensuring children are physically active even during bad weather days. Teachers read intriguing stories to children and provide sturdy board books for toddlers to look at. The books reflect the children's languages, cultures, and families. 


Toddlers love to move—climbing, jumping, dancing! Teachers offer your child many ways to be active, both indoors and outdoors. They also provide materials and activities that interest children his age and help improve his hand coordination, like scribbling with crayons and stacking toys.


Cognitive development is your child's ability to make sense of the world around him. It includes memory, language, thinking, and reasoning. Classrooms are set up so toddlers can learn to how to solve problems by sorting objects, doing puzzles, taking things apart and fitting them back together, and so much more! Teachers offer children a range of activities and experiences that inspire and challenge them.


Teachers are trained to spend a lot of time talking to children so that they learn how words should sound and how conversations go back and forth. They read books with simple stories and use songs, rhymes, and finger plays that have repeating patterns.


Hours Of Operation

Full Day Program: 6:15 am – 6:30 pm Monday to Friday

Extended Hours (additional charges): 6:00 pm – 8pm



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Monday - Friday            8:00 am - 5:30 pm


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